
Sets the state of the given pin to digital 1, also known as “high” or “on”.

# Turn on the lighting peripheral


Sets the state of the given pin to digital 0, also known as “low” or “off”.

# Turn off the lighting peripheral

read_pin(pin_number, mode=”digital”)

Reads the given pin with the read mode analog or digital. Defaults to digital if no mode is given.

Calling read_pin() does not record the reading in the API, it only reads the pin.

# Read pin 23 in digital mode

# Read pin 23 in digital mode (alternative syntax)
fb.read_pin(23, "digital")

# Read pin 25 in analog mode
fb.read_pin(25, "analog")


Reads the given sensor.

# Read the soil moisture sensor
fb.read_sensor("Soil Moisture")

Sensor ID lookups are cached. See clearing the cache.

control_peripheral(peripheral_name, value, mode=None)

Sets the state of the given peripheral.

# Turn on the LED peripheral
fb.control_peripheral("LED", value=1, mode="digital")

Peripheral ID lookups are cached. See clearing the cache.


Toggles the state of the given peripheral between digital 1 (on) and 0 (off).

If the pin is initially set to an analog value, it will be rounded to the nearest digital value and then toggled.

# Toggle the LED peripheral

Peripheral ID lookups are cached. See clearing the cache.

write_pin(pin_number, value, mode=”digital”)

Sets a pin to a particular mode and value.

# Set pin 13 to digital mode and write a value of 1
fb.write_pin(13, value=1, mode="digital")

# Set pin 13 to analog mode and write a value of 128
fb.write_pin(13, value=128, mode="analog")

control_servo(pin, angle)

Controls a servo motor connected to the given pin by setting the angle.

pin is typically one of the Farmduino servo pins: 4, 5, 6, or 11. angle must be between 0 and 180.

# Set the servo motor connected to pin 4 to 90 degrees
fb.control_servo(4, angle=90)

What’s next?