
Performs an HTTP request to the FarmBot API. This convenience function provides a subset of the functionality of the http() helper. Note the following key differences:

  • You do not need to run json.encode on inputs.
  • You do not need to run json.decode on outputs.
  • The only supported request format is JSON.
  • You do not need to pass an auth_token() in the header.
  • The base URL is not configurable. https://my.farm.bot is the only URL supported.
  • body is optional for GET requests.
  • Returns nil if there was an error.
  • Errors are sent to the log stream (if any).

Making requests

Making requests other than GET to the API will permanently alter the data in your account. Be especially careful making DELETE requests and POST requests to singular resources, like the /device endpoint, as the API will destroy data that cannot be recovered. Altering data through the API may cause account instability.

-- Create a new point at (200, 200, 0) with a radius of 100
result = api({
    method = "post",
    url = "/api/points",
    body = {
        x = 200,
        y = 200,
        z = 0,
        radius = 100,
        pointer_type = "GenericPointer"

if result then
    toast("Point creation ok", "debug")
    toast("Error - See logs for details", "error")
-- Fetch all points from the API
points = api({
    method = "get",
    url = "/api/points"
-- Update the color and size of point with ID 1
    method = "put",
    url = "/api/points/1",
    body = {
        meta = {
            color = "red"
        radius = 250


Returns the device’s authorization token (string). This value can be used to access API resources without the need to store account passwords in Lua code or ENV vars.

-- Fetch all points from the API
resp_json, err = http({
    method = "GET",
    url = "https://my.farm.bot/api/points",
    headers = {
        Authorization = ("bearer " .. auth_token()),
        Accept = "application/json"

points = json.decode(resp_json)


Performs an HTTP request.

Using the FarmBot API?

If you are making an API call to the FarmBot API, we recommend the simpler api() helper.

Making requests

Making requests other than GET to the API will permanently alter the data in your account. Be especially careful making DELETE requests and POST requests to singular resources, like the /device endpoint, as the API will destroy data that cannot be recovered. Altering data through the API may cause account instability.

response, error = http({
  -- OPTIONAL. Default value is "get".
  -- OPTIONAL. Only strings and numbers.
    Authorization="bearer eyJ....4cw",
  -- OPTIONAL. Must be a string. Use included JSON library for JSON APIs

if error then
  -- The `error` object is reserved for non-HTTP errors.
  -- Example: missing URL.
  -- `error` will be `nil` if no issues are found.
  send_message("info", "Unknown error: " .. inspect(error))
  -- The `response` object has three properties:
    -- `status`: Number               - Response code. Example: 200.
    -- `body`: String                 - Response body. Always a string.
    -- `headers`: Map<String, String> - Response headers.
-- Get today's precipitation forecast from Open Meteo
request_url =
    "https://api.open-meteo.com/v1/forecast" ..
    "?latitude=" .. get_device("lat") ..
    "&longitude=" .. get_device("lng") ..
api_response = http({
forecast = json.decode(api_response.body)

-- Display the result
toast("Daily precipitation: " .. forecast.daily.precipitation_sum[1] .. "mm")


Converts a JSON encoded string to a Lua table.

lua_data = json.decode('{"foo":"bar","example":123}')
-- { foo="bar", example=123 }


Converts a Lua variable into stringified JSON.

json_data = json.encode({ foo="bar", example=123 })
-- => '{"foo":"bar","example":123}'


Alias for json.encode().