These examples use concepts in REST API.

Authorization required

To get the authorization token required in these examples (TOKEN), see Authorization.

Making requests

Making requests other than GET to the API will permanently alter the data in your account. Be especially careful making DELETE requests and POST requests to singular resources, like the /device endpoint, as the API will destroy data that cannot be recovered. Altering data through the API may cause account instability.

Libraries required

The following examples require either the FarmBot Python library or the Requests library. To install, run python -m pip install --upgrade farmbot requests in the command line.

GET points

via FarmBot Python library

from farmbot import Farmbot

# TOKEN = ...

fb = Farmbot()

points = fb.api_get('points')

You should see a list of your FarmBot Web App account points in the output.

via Python

import json
import requests

# TOKEN = ...

headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + TOKEN['token']['encoded'],
           'content-type': "application/json"}
response = requests.get(f'https:{TOKEN['token']['unencoded']['iss']}/api/points', headers=headers)
points = response.json()
print(json.dumps(points, indent=2))

You should see a list of your FarmBot Web App account points in the output.

Add a new plant to your garden

via FarmBot Python library

from farmbot import Farmbot

# TOKEN = ...

fb = Farmbot()

new_cabbage = {
    "name": "Cabbage",              # Point name
    "pointer_type": "Plant",        # Point type
    "x": 400,                       # x-coordinate
    "y": 300,                       # y-coordinate
    "z": 0,                         # z-coordinate
    "openfarm_slug": "cabbage",     # Plant type
    "plant_stage": "planned",       # Point status

fb.api_post("points", new_cabbage) # Add plant to endpoint

via Python

import json
import requests

# TOKEN = ...

new_cabbage = {
    "name": "Cabbage",              # Point name
    "pointer_type": "Plant",        # Point type
    "x": 400,                       # x-coordinate
    "y": 300,                       # y-coordinate
    "z": 0,                         # z-coordinate
    "openfarm_slug": "cabbage",     # Plant type
    "plant_stage": "planned",       # Point status

headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + TOKEN['token']['encoded'],
           'content-type': 'application/json'}
response ='https:{TOKEN['token']['unencoded']['iss']}/api/points',
                         headers=headers, json=new_cabbage)
print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2))

POST log message


The preferred method of logging messages is with send_message(). Using the example below, the frontend will need to be refreshed to show the log message in the browser.

via FarmBot Python library

from farmbot import Farmbot

# TOKEN = ...

fb = Farmbot()

fb.log('Hello!', message_type='info')

You should see a copy of the log message now saved in your FarmBot Web App account in the output.

via Python

import json
import requests

# TOKEN = ...

headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + TOKEN['token']['encoded'],
           'content-type': 'application/json'}
log = {'message': 'Hello!', 'type': 'info'}
response ='https:{TOKEN['token']['unencoded']['iss']}/api/logs',
                         headers=headers, json=log)
print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2))

You should see a copy of the log message now saved in your FarmBot Web App account in the output.

For a list of available endpoints, see the REST API resource list.

What’s next?