
Dismounts the currently mounted tool into it’s assigned slot, taking into account the slot’s direction.

This function only applies to FarmBots with interchangeable tools, such as FarmBot Genesis.

# Dismount the currently mounted tool

# It is recommended to find home after dismounting tools
# to stage FarmBot for future operations


Mounts the given tool and pulls it out of its slot, taking into account the slot’s direction.

This function only applies to FarmBots with interchangeable tools, such as FarmBot Genesis.

# It is recommended to find home before mounting tools
# to ensure accuracy of movements

# Because tools themselves do not have coordinates, FarmBot
# will look up which slot the chosen tool has been assigned
# to and use the slot's coordinates in the mount_tool() function

dispense(milliliters, tool_name=None, pin=None)

Dispenses the given amount of liquid in milliliters. Defaults to using the “Watering Nozzle” tool, its WATER FLOW RATE (ML/S) value, and the solenoid valve operated by pin 8.

# Dispense 100 mL of water using default values

The tool_name and pin arguments are optional and can be used to override the default tool_name (and therefore the WATER FLOW RATE (ML/S) value) as well as which pin to operate.

# Dispense 200 mL of fertilizer using a custom tool operated by pin 7
fb.dispense(200, tool_name="Custom Watering Nozzle 2", pin=7)
# Dispense 300 mL of water with the standard "Watering Nozzle" tool, but using a solenoid valve operated by pin 10
fb.dispense(300, pin=10)

In order to add a WATER FLOW RATE (ML/S) value to a tool, the tool name must contain “Watering Nozzle” in the name.

water(plant_id, tool_name=None, pin=None)

Moves to and waters the given plant based on its age and assigned watering curve.

A plant’s age is calculated from its planted_at date and the current date. If a plant’s planted_at date is not set, try changing the plant’s STATUS to Planted from the frontend.

If using a FarmBot with interchangeable tools, such as FarmBot Genesis, you will need to first mount the watering tool before using the water() function.

Manually find a plant’s ID by navigating to the plant in the web app and copying the number at the end of the URL.

# Water the plant based on its age and watering curve

Under the hood, the water() function makes a call to dispense(). If provided, the tool_name and pin arguments will be passed into the dispense call to override its default values. See the dispense() docs for more information.

# Water the plant based on its age and watering curve, using a solenoid valve operated by pin 10
fb.water(plant_id=123, pin=10)

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