Storing your authorization token

Store your authorization token securely. It grants full access and control over your FarmBot and your FarmBot Web App account.

Libraries required

The following examples require either the FarmBot Python library or the Requests library. To install, run python -m pip install farmbot requests in the command line. Your system may require you to use python3 instead of python. Using a virtual environment is highly recommended. If you see an error ending with callback_api_version, run python -m pip install --upgrade paho-mqtt==1.6.1.

Running python code

You can execute python code by pasting it into a new file such as which can be executed via python in the command line.

Get your token

via FarmBot Python library

import json
from getpass import getpass
from farmbot import FarmbotToken

# inputs
SERVER = input('FarmBot Web App account server (press <Enter> for ') or ''
EMAIL = input('FarmBot Web App account login email: ')
PASSWORD = getpass('FarmBot Web App account login password: ')

# get your FarmBot authorization token
token_string = FarmbotToken.download_token(EMAIL, PASSWORD, SERVER)
TOKEN = json.loads(token_string)
print(f'{TOKEN = }')

via Python

import json
from getpass import getpass
import requests

# inputs
SERVER = input('FarmBot Web App account server (press <Enter> for ') or ''
EMAIL = input('FarmBot Web App account login email: ')
PASSWORD = getpass('FarmBot Web App account login password: ')

# get your FarmBot authorization token
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
user = {'user': {'email': EMAIL, 'password': PASSWORD}}
response ='{SERVER}/api/tokens',
                         headers=headers, json=user)
TOKEN = response.json()
print(f'{TOKEN = }')

Use your token

Use the value of TOKEN in examples. You may either copy and paste the token data in, or save it to a file and load it when needed. Consider the security of the approach you choose.

Copy and paste

Replace the following line when it appears in examples:

# TOKEN = ...

with your token data pasted from running the get your token example code above. For example:

TOKEN = {"token": {"unencoded":{"aud":"unknown","sub":123,"iat":1234567890,"jti":"b52b68fb-5cc2-a9be-7aaf-ecc8837a2fa9","iss":"//","exp":1234567890,"mqtt":"","bot":"device_456","vhost":"xqigvtsn","mqtt_ws":"wss://"},"encoded":"rFr6edHr11GDLITjaanofZxC4dM6TCC9UuHG.Kzx87wRkKvejWWjuigwX0i3hO8hi97pJ70m1bD2I5JRuksjE6E3gRIOVwoF5f8X4UCtftuVCsGttOayPxKUiuLMKZRJlUEH7ssyXCawVeBUf34B5NAy172aqdm3WGsQkFITOQgCTjKddYXn7Fs2rZow3N9YCkbYhoweoFyndhdF9ST8NmMgpFm3VfocYgNKukGI1gi2LjYoRdyPtdjGK1jwW3KKqyNWuOfkQVNxCg6c9xvQDqnbxiDLRfySn8HOQ9ElsXlN9LIv8PGN07EKKcbkyxsSXmYWHfwn8dOnzeNdL4OFiYNyLyB51YC4cukVROhMKfBbv3Vam6PgObmU4Jq2HF5xEru4MPORt741s8im84oP6.OqDC3SUJ7TSNV1NYii5BOONidacLifUfdaRGwjD05XNXdMCWlulnDCD4CWy7kFEAwA8pqxx9lCfqaA7ezK6054DLhtk0gsWu7gQ3oTjg1fZXinIiI2fLmxXhyisoFrudzwqryhwSmBQMAz3eVkdeyouJTgphFrbXjWnRYEk41iNXT275h68j3EtxSDqOpCZi4kqcuBUPltjS063FEYXa1JKzHThUQFpGVP2wg6doEWaNPAadjBBvOK7Ja6SEIONmiDNa3AfKqYgWoKGRyhQ2fFCZjnx53d7EgVRdBDdVxHhX6P7RghHZcAZ7d5cODz9d7b6IZWbyVDOj4Zd8RkRNQN"}, "user": {}}

Saving to and loading from a file

Add the following to the end of the get your token example code above and run it again with the addition.

# save token to file
with open('farmbot_authorization_token.json', 'w') as f:
    print('token saved to file')

Replace the following line when it appears in examples:

# TOKEN = ...


# load token from file
with open('farmbot_authorization_token.json', 'r') as f:
    TOKEN = json.load(f)

What’s next?