
Gets a curve object by its ID which can then be used to get the curve value for a given day, usually based on a plant’s current age. Properties of the curve object include:

  • name - The curve’s name
  • type - The curve’s type (water, spread, or height)
  • unit - The curve’s unit (mL for water curves or mm for spread and height curves)
  • day(number) - The curve’s value for the given day, eg:

Manually find a curve’s ID by navigating to the curve in the web app and copying the number at the end of the URL.

# Get curve by its ID
curve = bot.get_curve(123)

# Display curve value and units for day 10
day = 10
bot.toast(f"The {curve['type']} on day {day} is {} {curve['unit']}")

A plant’s curve IDs can be retrieved from the water_curve_id, spread_curve_id, and height_curve_id properties of the plant object.

Manually find a plant’s ID by navigating to the plant in the web app and copying the number at the end of the URL.

import datetime as dt

# Get plant from the API
plant = fb.api_get('points', 123)

if plant['water_curve_id']:
    # Get water curve from plant
    water_curve = fb.get_curve(plant['water_curve_id'])

    if plant['planted_at'] is not None:
        # Get the plant's age
        now =
        planted_at = dt.datetime.fromisoformat(plant['planted_at'])
        plant['age'] = (now - planted_at).days

        # Get water amount in mL from curve for the plant's current age
        water_ml =['age'])

        # Display how much to water the plant today
        fb.toast(f"{plant['name']} ({plant['age']} days old) should be watered {water_ml}mL")
        fb.toast("Plant has no planted date.", "warn")
    fb.toast("Plant has no assigned water curve.", "warn")

What’s next?