Configure function output verbosity

Set the level of verbosity of function outputs to change the level of information shown when functions are called.

Verbosity Example using e_stop()
0 The function will return with no output. No output.
1 A description of the action will be output with any additional results data. Emergency stopping device
2 The name of the function and the timestamp will be output. 'e_stop()' called at: 2024-08-21 11:16:18.547813

Configure timeouts

If you expect movements to take longer than the default timeout duration of 120 seconds, you can increase the movement timeout via:

fb.set_timeout(240, "movements")
Key Default value in seconds Description
movements 120 Timeout for movement commands.
api 15 Timeout for API requests.
listen 15 Message broker listen duration, used while waiting for a response for many FarmBot Python library commands.

Clear resource cache

To reduce duplicate API requests, some information used frequently to look up peripheral, sensor, tool, and sequence IDs is cached.

The cache will be automatically cleared when a resource is not found (for example, fb.read_sensor("Not a valid sensor")). To clear the cache manually, call:


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