
Takes a photo using the device camera and uploads it to the web app. Returns nil on success. Returns an error object if capture fails.

take_photo returns errors asynchronously, which may lead developers to believe the operation has succeeded when it actually fails in the background. If you require a high level of control over errors or are taking photos beyond the limits that the web app allows, see take_photo_raw().

-- Take a photo:
error = take_photo()

if error then
  toast("Take photo failed: " .. inspect(error), "error")
  toast("Take photo succeeded", "success")

Optional arguments

The following options can only be used if a USB Camera is selected and ROTATE DURING CAPTURE is disabled.

Argument Recommended Value Range
Resolution 640, 480 Will not necessarily produce an exact sized or cropped image; the camera will use the closest available resolution.
brightness 35%
0% - 100%
0 - 255
contrast 35%
0% - 100%
0 - 127
saturation 50%
0% - 100%
0 - 127
hue 50%
0% - 100%
-15 - 15

Arguments other than resolution can accept either a percentage or a raw value.

-- Take a photo with a specified width and height
take_photo(200, 100)

-- Take a photo with the brightness set to 100%
take_photo({"-s", "brightness=100%"})

-- Take a photo with the saturation set to 70% and the hue set to 3
  "-s", "saturation=70%",
  "-s", "hue=3"

-- Take a photo with a specified width and height and the contrast set to 40%
take_photo(200, 100, {"-s", "contrast=40%"})

Optional arguments will persist until reboot

The camera will remember any optional argument settings until you change them to another value or until the FarmBot is rebooted. If you want to reset all values to their defaults, reboot the device.

Arguments can also be set using Custom Settings or via the API using the farmware_envs endpoint:

  • {key: "take_photo_width", value: "200"}
  • {key: "take_photo_height", value: "100"}
  • {key: "take_photo_args", value: "[\"-s\",\"brightness=100%\"]"}

If the arguments are set this way, they will be remembered by your FarmBot even through reboots, but can still be overridden on a case by case basis by calling take_photo() with different arguments.


Every FarmBot has a different garden size and camera viewport. photo_grid() returns a metadata object about the point grid required to perform a scan of the full garden. It returns a table with the following properties:

Property Description
each An iterator function that is called once per cell (see example below).
total The number of cells contained in the photo grid for the device.
x_grid_points The length of the garden scan on the X axis, measured in cells.
y_grid_points The length of the garden scan on the Y axis, measured in cells.
x_grid_start_mm The X coordinate for the center of the first cell in the grid.
y_grid_start_mm The Y coordinate for the center of the first cell in the grid.
x_offset_mm The camera’s relative X offset from the FarmBot position.
y_offset_mm The camera’s relative Y offset from the FarmBot position.
x_spacing_mm The number of millimeters between cells on the X axis.
y_spacing_mm The number of millimeters between cells on the Y axis.
z The height at which the camera was calibrated.

photo_grid() will automatically space photos such that they have 5mm of overlap to ensure that the entire garden is scanned.

-- Get the photo grid metadata:
local grid = photo_grid()

-- Move to each point in the grid and take a photo:
    move_absolute({x = cell.x, y = cell.y, z = cell.z})
    local message = "Taking photo " .. cell.count .. " of " .. grid.total
    send_message("info", message)


Takes a photo using the device camera and holds it in memory. This is useful when uploading photos to 3rd party APIs. If your use case requires taking hundreds or thousands of photos per day, you can use take_photo_raw() to upload your images to a third-party image hosting provider that does not impose the same image hosting limits as the web app.

take_photo_raw() does not upload images to the web app. You must manually upload the resulting images to a hosting provider.

-- Take a photo and hold it in memory, encoded in base64:
photo = take_photo_raw()
encoded_photo = base64.encode(photo)

-- Create the request headers and body:
headers = {}
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
headers["Api-Key"] = 123abc
body = {
    images = {encoded_photo},
    plant_details = {"common_names"}

-- Send the request to the Plant.ID API:
response, error = http({
    url = "https://api.plant.id/v2/enqueue_identification",
    method = "POST",
    headers = headers,
    body = json.encode(body)

Optional arguments

See take_photo() for available optional arguments and examples. All options can be used with take_photo_raw().


Performs base64 encoding on an object such as an image. Useful for uploading images to 3rd party APIs. Can also be used in reverse: base64.decode().

-- Take a photo and hold it in memory:
photo = take_photo_raw()

-- Encode the photo in base64:
encoded_photo = base64.encode(photo)

-- Decode the photo from base64:
decoded_photo = base64.decode(encoded_photo)


Performs camera calibration.

Calling this function will reset camera calibration settings.

-- Calibrate the camera:


Use the camera to determine soil depth at the current location. Results will be available as point resources in the API. Performing this action over a wide area in many locations will improve the accuracy of soil_height(x, y) calculations.

-- Measure soil height at the current location:
local grid_spacing = 100

-- Move in a grid pattern and measure soil height at each point:
for x = 0, garden_size().x, grid_spacing do
    for y = 0, garden_size().y, grid_spacing do
        move_absolute(x, y, 0)


Take a photo and detect weeds in the image. If any weeds are detected, weed points will be created in the API.

-- Detect weeds: