listen(channel=”#”, duration=None, stop_count=1, message_options=None)

Listen for messages on the given channel for the given duration or until the given number of messages are received.

If no channel is provided, the command will listen across all channels. Typical channels include: “from_clients”, “from_device”, “logs”, “status”, and “telemetry”.

If no duration is provided, the default duration for the channel type will be used. See setting timeouts.

If a stop count greater than 1 is provided, the command will listen indefinitely until the stop count is reached, ignoring any duration or timeout values.

message_options is a dictionary that can contain the following items:

  • filters: A dictionary of filters to apply to incoming messages that can contain the following items:
    • topic: A string that the message topic should contain.
    • content: A dictionary of content filters. Each key is a data path, and each value is a string that must appear in the data at that path.
  • path: A string that specifies the path to the data to return, using dot notation to access nested data.
  • diff_only: A boolean that specifies whether to return only the difference from the first message received.

See configuring verbosity for output verbosity controls.

# Listen for 5 seconds or until a message is received on any channel

# Listen for a message from the device

# Listen until 3 messages are received on the logs channel
fb.listen("logs", stop_count=3)

# Listen indefinitely until a message is received with specific data
import math
        'filters': {
            'topic': 'sync/Image',
            'content': {'body.attachment_url': 'storage'},
        'path': 'body.attachment_url',
latest_image_url = fb.state.last_messages['sync_excerpt'][-1]

listen_for_status_changes(duration=None, stop_count=1, diff_only=True, path=None)

This is a special case of the listen() command that listens to the status channel and exposes additional options.

Listen for status changes from the device for the given duration or until the given number of messages are received.

The output is the device state tree. The device state tree contains numerous properties that are relevant to the device’s operation. It is the same state tree seen in FarmBotJS.

To capture the device state tree for use, see the read_status() command.

# Listen for 5 seconds or until a status change is received

# Listen until 3 status changes are received, and only output the difference from the first status

# Listen until 10 status changes are received, outputting only the info at the given path. Note: The reason for the status change may be different than the info requested.
fb.listen_for_status_changes(stop_count=10, diff_only=False, path="location_data.position")

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