check_position(coordinate, tolerance)

Returns True if the device is within the tolerance range of the provided coordinate.

if fb.check_position({"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0}, 1.23):
  fb.toast("FarmBot is at the home position", "success")
  fb.toast("FarmBot is not at the home position", "warn")


Returns the x, y, and z of the length, width, and height in mm of FarmBot’s working volume according to the AXIS LENGTH settings.

size = fb.garden_size()
fb.toast(f"Length: {size['x']}mm")
fb.toast(f"Width: {size['y']}mm")
fb.toast(f"Height: {size['z']}mm")

get_seed_tray_cell(tray_name, tray_cell)

Calculates the coordinates of a seed tray cell, such as B3, based on the cell label and the coordinates of the center of the seed tray. See the Pick from Seed Tray featured sequence for an example.

tray_cell should be one of the following: | | | | | | —— | —— | —— | —— | | "D1" | "D2" | "D3" | "D4" | | "C1" | "C2" | "C3" | "C4" | | "B1" | "B2" | "B3" | "B4" | | "A1" | "A2" | "A3" | "A4" |

cell = fb.get_seed_tray_cell("Seed Tray", "B3")
cell_depth = 5

# Send message with cell info
fb.toast(f"Picking up seed from cell {tray_cell} ({cell.x, cell.y, cell.z - cell_depth})")

# Safe Z move to above the cell
fb.move(x=cell.x, y=ell.y, z=cell.z + 25, safe_z=True)

Tray ID lookups are cached. See clearing the cache.


Gets the current x, y, and z coordinates of the FarmBot.

position = fb.get_xyz()
fb.toast(f"FarmBot's X coordinate is: {position['x']}")


Returns the value of the SAFE HEIGHT setting.

# Display the current Safe Height
fb.toast(f"Safe Z Height: {fb.safe_z()}")

# Move FarmBot's Z-axis to the Safe Height

safe_z() on it’s own does not initiate a movement, and it should not be confused with adding a safe_z=True argument to a move command.

What’s next?