Core Component

The user interface is a core component that is best left unmodified for compatibility with software updates. If you wish to make a plugin or customization to the software for a special use case, please consider writing a Farmware instead.

If you have found a bug fix or add a new core feature to the UI, consider proposing your changes as a pull request on Github to ensure compatibility with future Web App versions.

The FarmBot Web App user interface

This document is intended for software developers. For end-user documentation, please see the Web App User Documentation

The User Interface

The FarmBot graphical user interface is a single page application that allows users to control a FarmBot remotely. It supports editing of Sequences, Regimens and Farm Events.

At a Glance

Useful Developer Utilities

  • Get the current Redux store state from the browser’s Javascript console.
  • window.current_bot The current FarmBot instance created by FarmBot JS from the browser’s Javascript console.
  • npm run typecheck Runs the TypeScript type checker against the codebase in your terminal. Pull requests can not be accepted unless this step passes.
  • npm run test Runs unit tests to prevent regressions. This check must pass for a pull request to be accepted.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Update or Add Translations?

Thanks for your interest in internationalizing the FarmBot web app! To add translations:

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Navigate to /public/app-resources/languages and run the command node _helper.js yy where yy is your language’s language code. Eg: ru for Russian.
  3. Edit the translations in the file created in the previous step: "phrase": "translated phrase".
  4. When you have updated or added new translations, commit/push your changes and submit a pull request.

My Code is Generating a “Content Security Warning”

The Web App implements a content security policy to prevent certain types of security violations, such as cross-site scripting and token theft. Unfortunately, this means that some code may not execute as intended. Please raise an issue if you have any questions.

How Can I Add A Custom Page?

The user interface is not a content management system. Custom pages require modification to the application source code, which is not recommended. It is better to host custom forms and reports on a dedicated server and use the REST API for inter-server communication.